Starting a new business, especially in the health and beauty market, is a daunting task. There are so many industries to choose from, and the market has a wide variety of business options to offer. After you are done choosing which line of business will suit you, then you have to decide whether to buy a franchise or begin a startup of your own. This question is fundamental, and its answer can make or break your business.
Today we are counting down some reasons why a franchise is a safer option than a startup if you are starting a health and beauty business.
You have a support system if you choose a franchise
If you start a franchise like Affinity Salon, then you have a support system from the get-go. Especially in the beauty and health business, people are hesitant to try a new brand, but if you have the right name and goodwill of an already existing brand, then you have a support system and a customer base that you can rely upon. Starting a business from scratch is already tough. And if you have to do that without any goodwill and begin with a brand new name in an extremely competitive market, then you already have a lot on your plate, and failing to deliver those promises you made is a very feasible option. But if you have the franchise of an existing brand, chances are bright for your business, and you will be able to reap the benefits of that goodwill and take your business to new heights.
The risk factor is considerably low
When you are launching a new business, you are taking one hell of a risk, and you have a lot of pressure on making good to your investors and earn profits. If you choose to go with a franchise, that risk factor automatically dials down, and you have some pressure taken off of your back, and your business can perform better. There are several risks included in starting a business from nothing. Still, if you choose a franchise, you already have goodwill and a strong customer base on your side, which helps in making things a little easier for your business to perform. You have to spend considerably less time and investment in your business but still be able to reap the same benefits as though you are starting your brand.
Franchise business have a higher rate of success
The franchise success rate is approximately 90 percent when compared to the 15 percent of the companies that start from the ground up. And we all have got to admit that these ratios are saying something. It’s a courageous thing, investing a big chunk of money in a business and only has a 15 percent chance of it succeeding at the ground level. Whereas taking a franchise gives you a 90 percent chance of success.
After knowing these possibilities, investing in a franchise would be the smarter move because there you got a significant chance of succeeding and touching heights with the growth of your business. In every business, taking a franchise would be a smarter option, but in the health and beauty industry, it would be even wiser. Because you will have people’s trust in the brand and with the right investment, you can use their names and sell their products, all while earning a lot of profits.
Building business on a well-established model
Whichever franchise you choose to go with, the brand would already be established, and that counts for something. People would already know the brand or may as well be loyal customers purchasing from the same brand only. All this will be beneficial for you when you take a franchise and set up a shop in their name. Your sales will start with day one, and you won’t have to spend money on advertising, making people know about the new brand you have started. All this would save a lot of money and time for you. You can easily invest this time in some other business plan, or you can buy multiple franchises and sit back and earn the profits from the name of the brand you have associated with.
Choosing which brand you associate with
When starting a franchise, you can do all your research and determine which brand you want. Using your analytical skills, and with the help of systematic exploration, you can select the right brand for yourself, which will give you profits in the future. The viability of the business is primarily based on the demands of the consumers, and they have an idea of their expectations and if you would be a good match for them. You can easily find a brand that matches all your wants and fulfill your expectations. Once you’ve spent time investigating the available options, you can make an informed choice. With all those arrows in your quiver, you will be able to make an investment that is sure to bring you good business and make your sales go up. This, will eventually bring you profit and make your investment worthwhile.
Now, these are some of the reasons that can be used to convince you that when you are in any industry as competitive as the health and beauty industry, then taking a franchise is the right way to go. It is an investment that you have to make. You can start your own business with a 15 percent take off chance, or you can borrow a brand’s name. This way, you have a 90 percent chance of taking off from the ground and make profits in the future. It is ultimately your choice to make, but whatever you choose, it is suggested that the research should be thorough. Only after that should you come to any conclusions. Whatever you decide, make an informed decision by researching thoroughly. For any franchise-related information, simply click here. We are happy to assist you.