Franchise Requirements:
Franchise Model: FOFO
Area Required: 500 - 2000 sq ft
Area For Expansion: PAN India
Min. Investment: INR 30 Lacs
Max. Investment: INR 50 Lacs
Royalty: 10%
About Company:
Offering Salon Franchise in India
Louis Unisex Salon is the elegant chain of Beauty & Wellness Salons which has over 4000 salons in 90 cities across the globe. They have built exclusive relationships with the best Beauty/Wellness/Fitness/Stylist influencers in the world who contribute to the advancement of their field so as to bring a whole world of exciting possibilities in the search of real beauty. Many businessmen and businesswomen who travel the globe, rely on them as their beauty tailor. The use of finest products and services that suits customer’s needs, image and personality, is what makes Louis Unisex Salon special making it one of the best salon franchise in India.